The Behavioural Activation Cycle

The Behavioural Activation Cycle

Once you have had a brain injury, it can become incredibly difficult to organise your thoughts or actions in a logical way (though luckily, I’ve always been a bit of a control freak anyway). I definitely struggle with “brain fog” now. Brain fog isn’t a medical...
MAPLES study participation

MAPLES study participation

Through Twitter, I discovered that a lady called Andrea (a student at Cambridge University) needed volunteers for her study on brain injuries. I reached out to her to say I would be willing to participate and become a part of her work. Anything I can personally do to...
Coronavirus: staying mentally strong through tough times

Coronavirus: staying mentally strong through tough times

I really can’t think of an opener for this post. The world seems to have tipped completely upside down, backwards and inside out after the onset of the seemingly instantaneous Covid-19. Did any of us ever expect to see this kind of pandemic in our lifetimes? It’s...
Lions and rhinos and camels, oh my!

Lions and rhinos and camels, oh my!

I have a huge box full of my medical files, which were due to be used as evidence when my case went to court. Thankfully this never came to pass. Even though I will likely never need anything from these files, I can’t ever seem to find a decent middle ground between...